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[400米级] 武汉绿地中心<Wuhan Greenland Center>

 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-4 00:09:57 | 显示全部楼层

The wave of Mega-Tall building construction in China started with cities along the east coast and is now moving inland. Located in Wuhan, an inland city adjacent to the Yangtze River, the Wuhan Greenland Center Main Tower is a 125-story, 600+ meter mega-tower on track to be the 7th tallest building in the world, a mixed-use skyscraper with offices up through the 69th floor, apartments at the 70th to 89th floors, a hotel from the 91st floor to the top floor and a five (5)-story deep basement housing the mechanical spaces plus parking. Located at the tower top, a unique 61m-tall tower crown and a 35m-tall tower dome highlight the tower’s distinctive personality.

The major structural system of Wuhan Greenland Center Main Tower consisting of robust composite walls, giant slightly sloping composite SRC columns and curved belt
trusses, is adopted to resist the lateral loads ( wind or seismic ) effectively. The locations and geometry of structural components have been carefully optimized to not only provideenough strengths and stiffness but integrate with the architecture seamlessly.



  为了有效地承担侧向力(风荷载和地震荷载),武汉绿地中心主楼的主要结构体系包括强大的组合剪力墙、微倾的巨型SRC组合柱和曲线型的环带桁架。结构构件的位置和几何形状都经过了精心地优化以满足强度和刚度的要求, 同时与建筑设计达到完美的结合。

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-4 00:10:03 | 显示全部楼层
Tower Massing to Reduce the Wind Load

Like other super tall buildings, the lateral loads, wind and seismic, play the most important role in the structural design of Wuhan Greenland Center Main Tower. According to China “Code for Seismic Design of Buildings “ (GB 50011-2010), Wuhan is located in the Seismic Fortification Zone #6, with design ground acceleration specified as 0.05g under moderate earthquake, which is defined as a earthquake with “10% Exceedance Probability in 50-year” or an earthquake with 475-year return period. RWDI performed wind tunnel tests to determine the structural wind loads for tower strength and stiffness design. For the strength designs of the tower structure, the 100-year wind load and seismic load under frequent earthquake, which is defined as “63% Exceedance Probability in 50-year” or an earthquake with 50-year return period, shall be combined with gravity load. Unlike
most building codes , in which the seismic load case never combines with the wind load case, the frequent earthquake load for this tower needs to be combined with 100-year wind load as per “Technical Specification for Concrete Structures of Tall Building “(JGJ 3-2010).The Table 1 lists the 100-year wind load and code-base frequent earthquake load. From Table 1, the base shear and overturning moment under a 100-year wind load is much larger than the values under the frequent earthquake load.

Architectural massing of the Wuhan Greenland Center Main Tower was developed to optimize both the structural and programmatic performance of the building. Four primary design solutions were implemented to deal with both of these issues: a tapered profile, a dome top, triangular floor plans with rounded soft corners and the vent slots . Since all of these elements help to minimize the negative effects of wind acting on Supertall buildings, they allowed the quantity of structural materials to be reduced and significantly
decreased the construction cost.

From a structural perspective, every Supertall building is a cantilever beam in vertical direction, with lateral loads (wind or seismic) and construction costs increasing dramatically as the building height increases. A tapered profile has been proved effective in reducing overall tower lateral loads and has been adopted for many Supertall buildings around the world. Architecturally, the tapering shape also helps to resolve different floor plate size requirements for varied program elements without using a traditional step profile for the
building massing.

Programmatically, Supertall buildings are usually developed as mixeduse projects. Multiple entrances at Ground Level distinguish each type of user and control access. Floor plates typically reduce in size and lease span as the building rises into the sky. The Wuhan Greenland Center Main Tower provides spaces for three distinctive functions: office, apartment and hotel. While some mixed-use towers separate users by levels, the triangular floor plan of this building allows for the tenants or visitors to have separate entrances all at Ground Level. Soft corners and a round tower top not only help create unique public spaces that attract visitors to the building, but help reduce the tower wind load. To further reduce the wind loads on the tower, openings have been provided though the building in locations optimized through wind tunnel testing. Three massing options, were tested in a wind tunnel by RWDI. All three options had tapered profiles. Option 1 featured a solid surface and served as the baseline option. Option 2 featured an opening between the crown and dome plus slotted floors at multiple elevations. Option 3 featured wing walls and vertical slots. The overall tower wind loads for three options from the wind tunnel test are listed in Table .

From Table , Option 2 reduced the overall wind load by 15% and 6.6% along “X” and “Y” respectively, while Option 3 did not show a significant wind load reduction. The wind tunnel consultant considered that,the opening at the tower top made a great contribution to wind load reduction. Architecturally, an opening at the tower top would separate
the whole tower top into an upper crown and a lower dome. So, in addition to reducing the wind load at tower top, the opening at tower top would give the tower a unique architectural feature. Therefore,it was incorporated in the final design. In addition, a building maintenance unit or window cleaning machine is concealed in the crown to clean the dome surface.


  如同其它的超高层建筑, 侧向荷载(含风荷载和地震荷载)在武汉绿地中心主楼的结构设计中起至关重要的作用。根据中国《建筑抗震规范》(GB50011-2010),武汉位于抗震设防烈度6度区,设计基本地震加速度值为0.05g, 其中设计基本地震定义为50年超越概率为10%的地震或回归期为475年的地震。RWDI进行风洞试验以确定用于塔楼结构强度设计和刚度设计的风荷载。对于塔楼结构构件的强度设计,100年风荷载和常遇地震荷载需要与重力荷载组合,其中常遇地震被定义为50年超越概率为63%的地震或回归期为50年的地震。在海外的设计规范中,地震荷载不要求与风荷载进行组合。与其它海外的设计规范不同,《高层建筑混凝土结构技术规程》(JGJ 3-2010)要求地震荷载与100年风荷载进行组合。表1列出了100年风荷载和根据规范计算的常遇地震荷载数值并进行了比较。根据表1,100年风荷载下的基底剪力和倾覆力矩均远大于常遇地震下的数值。



  超高层建筑项目通常具备多种建筑功能。在首层要对各类用户及其通行加以区分。通常情况下,沿建筑高度方向楼层面积和出租楼面的跨度大小均逐渐减小。武汉绿地中心塔楼拥有三个功能分区:办公、公寓和酒店。虽然一些超高层建筑通过楼层位置来区分租户和访客,本项目独特的三角形平面允许租户和访客在首层拥有其独立的入口。采用圆弧曲线加以修饰的(三角形平面的)角部以及位于塔顶的圆形拱顶创造出独特的功用空间,它不仅吸引更多的游客,更有助于减小风荷载。为了进一步减小塔楼风荷载,以风洞试验结果为指导,在塔楼某些部分开洞。(风洞试验顾问)RWDI在风洞中测试了三个建筑体量布置方案(参见上图)。三个方案均拥有逐渐收缩的体型。方案1在建筑立面没有开洞。以方案1作为方案比较的基础,方案2的特点是塔冠和穹拱之间存在空隙,并在建筑立面上存在局部开洞。方案3的特点是建筑立面上存在翼墙和竖向开槽。 表2列出了由风洞试验获得的(三种方案下的)塔楼整体风荷载。







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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-4 00:10:16 | 显示全部楼层
Tower Lateral System

The structural system of Greenland Center Main Tower has been carefully developed to harmonize with the architecture as an integrated whole, to maximize efficiency and to enhance safety. The central “Y” plan concrete core extends 31.3m in plan from the tower center to its far ends at lower zones, and sets back twice at Levels 70 and 91. The core was organized to provide multiple benefits across different disciplines: separating office, hotel and apartment operational functions, providing significant structural stiffness and strength for the tower to resist lateral and gravity loads, and accommodating the mechanical system floor and riser space requirements.

To maximize the structural stiffness given by a “Y” shape plan, a pair of massive super columns (SC1) is located at the tip of each tower wing.Two additional super columns (SC2) are spaced at approximately one-third points along each face and serve to reduce the spans of perimeter structural members. The super columns are Steel Reinforced
Concrete (SRC) columns, with welded built-up steel column shapes embedded within large concrete columns up to 3.3m X 4.6m in plan dimension. Steel outrigger trusses two and three stories tall connect the super columns to the core walls at Levels 36 to 39, 67 to 70 and 101 to 103, in addition to cap trusses at Levels 121 to 123. Ten sets of steel belt trusses following the building perimeter are distributed along the tower height. Distributed almost uniformly along the tower to maximize structural efficiency, all outrigger trusses and belt trusses are located either at mechanical floors or refuge floors to avoid impact on the leasable floors. Segmented belt trusses curved in plan tend to twist under vertical loads. To restrain the twist of the segmented belt trusses a horizontal floor bracing system, consisting of double angles and steel floor beams, is provided at the top and bottom chord levels of each belt truss. The tower structural system is shown in Figure.



  为了最大限度地发挥“Y”形平面的结构刚度,在(Y形平面的)各肢最外端位置分别布置一对巨柱(SC1)。为了减小外周结构构件的跨度,在塔楼周围每边约在每个Y形平面的三分之一的位置 各布置2根巨柱(SC2)。巨柱的最大截面尺寸达3.3 m×4.6m左右并加入由钢板焊接而成的组合钢柱。两至三层高的钢外伸臂桁架把巨柱与核心筒相连。外伸臂桁架布置在第36层至39层、第67层至70层以及第101层至103层之间,另外在第121层至123层之间布置帽桁架。在塔楼高度方向沿建筑周边布置十道环带桁架。外伸臂桁架和环带桁架沿建筑高度方向接近均匀分布以最大限度地发挥结构效率,同时所有桁架均布置于机电层或避难层以避免对出租面积的影响。平面上呈折线形的环带桁架在重力荷载作用下有扭转的倾向,故在环带桁架上下弦杆平面布置水平支撑体系以约束桁架的受扭。楼面水平支撑体系由楼面钢梁和双角钢斜撑组成。塔楼的结构体系如图所示。


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-4 00:10:20 | 显示全部楼层
Optimization of Slotted Floor Location

Wuhan Greenland Center Main Tower’s unique architectural shape evolved from a classic tapered tower with “Y” plan shape into an elegant curvilinear figure. By locally omitting portions of floors and perimeter framing at different elevations, “slots” are created in the building envelope to provide a distinctive architectural personality while reducing wind loads on the structure from vortex shedding.

Slot locations were carefully coordinated to avoid causing structural discontinuities. Originally, the slots are located at mechanical levels. A Vierendeel truss system would seem to be a natural structural solution at slotted floors, since the lack of diagonals would allow the most air flow. However, Vierendeel truss systems have two major drawbacks. First, structural efficiency is much less than for traditional truss systems with diagonal members. Second, as they serve as transfer trusses supporting perimeter columns in one zone bounded by adjacent belt truss levels, the trusses are critical to prevent progressive collapse by carrying additional load from columns acting as hangers in the event of failure of a perimeter column below. After discussions between the architect and structural engineer, the slotted floors were located below the belt truss floors; and the continuous perimeter belt trusses are of conventional design, reducing construction costs compared to Vierendeels. Secondary steel columns are also interrupted by the wind slots. In the progressive collapse analysis, floor beams can span loads normally carried by those columns if the discontinuous perimeter steel column below the floor slots fails. Those loads would then be redirected to adjacent columns.

Vortex shedding is defined as an unsteady flow that occurs at building corners due to the formation and detachment of alternating low–pressure vortices or wind whirlpools on the leeward side of the edge of an object. Cyclic formation and shedding of vortices applies cyclic wind loads to a building that can generate large crosswind movements if not suppressed. Floor slots let some wind pass through building corners to the leeward side, inhibiting the formation of vortices and reducing the effects of vortex shedding. Although the total downwind load (drag) on the tower will not be reduced much by the relatively small slots at limited locations, the slots do help reduce vortex shedding locally.

While the slots were welcomed by the structural engineer as a way to achieve an efficient structure through optimized floor slot locations, the Architect took advantage of the slot voids and created fantastic view opportunities at the unique spaces.







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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-4 00:10:52 | 显示全部楼层
Performance of Core Wall Under Severe Earthquake

For a building taller than 600 meters, a nonlinear structural analysis to check building performance under a severe earthquake, defined as “2% Exceedance Probability in 50 years” or a 2475-year earthquake,is mandatory in China per the Technical Specification for Concrete Structures of Tall Building (JGJ 3-2010). Following the principles of Performance-Based Design and using the material constitutive relationship curves specified in China codes to define material nonlinearity, the structural engineer created a mathematical model using analysis software ABACUS and performed nonlinear timehistory analyses under seven sets of acceleration time-histories records. In initial analyses, the core walls at top levels were found to experience excessive nonlinear demand and failed to achieve targeted performance levels. The extent of upper level wall damage resulted in an extremely long analysis time to reach the converge point, nearly one week for each time-history record. The damage was apparently related to core property changes from a major core wall setback at Level 91. As a way to alleviate predicted wall damage, the Architect and structural engineer jointly decided to reduce the change in core properties by having smaller wall setbacks, simply extending some core wall portions to Level 123 that were originally stopping at Level 91. Extending those wall segments increased tower core strength and stiffness, reduced predicted wall damage under the severe earthquake case and helped the core structure achieve performance level goals. Reduced wall nonlinear behavior was also reflected in analysis run times as each analysis converged much faster, and the run time to finish one time-history record reduced to just two days. The Architect adjusted the stair layout to accommodate the added walls and reduced the number of guest room types, which was welcomed by the hotel operator.






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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-4 00:11:04 | 显示全部楼层
Tower Crown Structure

The top of the Wuhan Greenland Center Main Tower is an expression of the project design philosophy. As the tower reaches into the sky,the cladding splits at the line between two architectural components known as the body and the shield. This separation was created to help alleviate tower top wind forces and thus significantly improve building behavior. This simple but powerful statement about the effectiveness of coordinating architecture and structure in Supertall building design has become the building’s most iconic feature and is certain to create a landmark on the city skyline.

Rising from gently tapering tower wing tips, the taper steadily and continuously increases to the point that the tips converge on the tower centerline to form a unique 61m tall crown.Tapering of other building surfaces defines a 35m tall dome. Cleaning of the dome glass will be performed by equipment suspended from the crown above. Cladding of the outer crown is supported by a special tripod structural system. Because crown tripod leg framing is concealed within opaque cladding, support structural design was based on material efficiency and constructability. Each crown tripod leg, a half-arch in profile, is trapezoidal in cross-section or plan. The four faces of each leg are trusses following simple surfaces, with the upper/outer and side trusses triangulated for shear stiffness and the lower/inner truss a Vierendeel without diagonals. Pipes up to 500 mm diameter are used for truss chords and smaller diameter pipes are used for web members and braces. The inner truss Vierendeel configuration and the hollow tripod leg design without internal diaphragms were both selected to work with the window washing machine within. The side trusses taper nearly to a point at the crown base, landing on the
super columns at wing tips and connecting directly to the embedded steel columns in the super column for secure load transfer.

The tower dome structure posed different design challenges. Dome cladding is transparent but substantial cladding support framing is required at long spans and high wind pressures. Viewing up through the peak of the dome is desired. Dome structural framing will be visible to visitors so a dramatic sculptural appearance is desired.

Multiple structural schemes were proposed by the structural engineer for consideration by the architect. Systems included support framing distributed along all faces, framing concentrated at discrete locations,horizontal spanning schemes and vertically spanning schemes. For each scheme the relative hierarchy of framing sizes and functions was considered for aesthetic intent, structural efficiency and constructability. The selected system has horizontal curved pipe girts to support the tower skin. To minimize girt pipe diameter, gravity load spans are reduced by suspending the girts from steel hangar rods.Exposed tripod legs framed as tri-chord trusses resist wind load from the girts and gravity loads from the hangers. The inner chord of each truss vanishes at the lowest truss panel so the tripod structure lands on the tower wing tip columns and visually merges with the crown tripod above and outside, while being separate for fabrication and erection. While one might expect the tripod legs to merge at a peak through a solid compression hub, a different approach was required to maintain views up through the dome. The legs stop before the peak, and plane trusses are added at leg truss top panels to tie the three Tripod legs together. The result is a space frame structure with enhanced lateral stiffness of the dome.

The tower crown and dome structures were integrated with the architectural design to provide a seamless envelope transition from walls to crown and dome cladding while providing a column free space for visitors. The clad crown trusses are visually solid objects for reading clearly on the skyline. The exposed dome trusses read as sculpture to visitors within the transparent dome, with minimal visual obstruction by girts. All loads from the tower crown and dome flow directly onto the super columns, providing short load paths and secure connections.










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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-4 00:11:11 | 显示全部楼层
Parametric Modeling Study to Simplify the Curtainwall

Modern graphical design tools offer architects great flexibility in shape creation. Reaching a visually and functionally satisfactory shape should not be the end of the design process. Often seemingly minor,aesthetically and functionally acceptable adjustments to building shapes can provide major benefits for building constructability. This was the case for the Wuhan Greenland Center Main Tower project. The initial architectural design resulted in a unique exterior surface geometry. The overall surface was very organic, based on numerous curved splines determined and evaluated by visual observation. However, it was clear to the architectural team that the form required further evaluation and adjustments to permit developing appropriate technical details, improve cladding economy and ensureconstructability.

Thornton Tomasetti’s Building Skin practice was engaged by AS+GG to assist with this process. First the architect’s exterior surface model was evaluated at non-planar surfaces for ‘warpage’ using Rhinoceros software together with Grasshopper. In this case the focus was the amount of surface warpage which might occur, relative to a series of optional glazing patterns. This study allowed the team to identify and quantify those portions of the facade which were warped beyond the constructability limits associated with cold-bending of insulated glass units (IGU’s) by applying force to a panel corner . The team quickly determined that cold-bending of the glass was not an adequate solution for most of the tower using the initial geometry,considering the significant areas of acute warpage that would be required. To enclose the building with reasonable economy, while
retaining the original organic tower shape, would likely require that the facade be re-modeled as shingled elements or that other threedimensionally stepped forms be used.

A small group of detailing strategies were quickly developed and presented to the architect for stepped forms suitable to meet the constructability demands of this massive high-rise tower. Two of the strategies were collaboratively selected, and a revised hybrid approach was established. This approach combined sloped trapezoidal panels --flat and relatively ‘regular’ panel shapes capable of creating undulating curved surfaces -- together with panels which would ‘step’ inward or outward at each floor level.

Based on this approach, the designers returned to the original architectural form, and began to re-generate the overall architectural surface by replacing each of the non-uniform splines with compound curves, a carefully developed series of arcs which were arranged tangentially to mimic the original form of the tower. This was done for the building sections as well as for each plan level.

Finally, using Grasshopper, a routine was developed to re-build nearly the entire tower surface by using stepped and sloped trapezoidal panels. At some portions of the tower other geometric strategies for resolving the panelization were adopted that did not rely on stepped forms. The geometric rebuilding process required numerous iterations to determine the optimal panel sizes and alignments, based on practical fabrication and erection limits, as well as the rigorous aesthetic requirements.



   在最初的建筑中塔楼拥有一个独特的几何外形。塔楼的整个外表面注重视觉效果,由大量的样条曲线组成,所以整体视觉效果非常自然流畅。然而建筑设计团队知道: 为了改善幕墙建造的经济性和施工的可行性,在技术细节方面需要作进一步的调整。

   Thornton Tomasetti 的幕墙设计团队辅助AS+GG来完成对建筑外表的调整。首先,通过Grasshopper 和Rhinoceros设计软件对建筑师的几何模型进行翘曲参数分析。这一过程的主要目的是分析在几种备选幕墙方案下的曲面翘曲程度。这个分析能让设计团队找出并量化那些翘曲程度超过施工允许范围的幕墙部分。幕墙板块翘曲的允许范围与中空玻璃板块的冷弯能力有关。中空玻璃板块的冷弯是通过在板块的角部施加外力而实现的。设计团队很快发现:塔楼幕墙存在大量剧烈翘曲的部位,所以冷弯玻璃方案在许多区域无法达到原方案的几何形状。为了达到保持原设计中自然的塔楼外表几何形状,且兼顾建造的经济性,幕墙需要采用片状单元形式或其他在三维空间内逐渐缩进的形式。





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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-4 00:12:48 | 显示全部楼层

The Wuhan Greenland Center Main Tower illustrates ways that collaboration between architect, structural engineer and skin consultant achieves a final design that addresses aesthetics,functionality, load resistance and constructability in a seamless way at all scales, from a 600+m cantilever to panels several meters wide.



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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-6 18:48:08 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-6 18:48:12 | 显示全部楼层

Halvorson and Partners structural engineersand


Wuhan Greenland Centre

Working with AS+GG designers, H+P developed the competition winning structural scheme for this 600m+ super-tall Wuhan Greenland Centre. The concept for the design is to maximize the efficiency of the building by adjusting form and structural system layout, taking into account the latest in wind engineering technologies. As a result, the building’s form incorporates the following features into the design:

1. A triangle floor plate with corner mega-columns maximizes building stiffness for a given floor area taking into account maximum wind sail loading.
2. The building tapers to maximize stiffness at the base and to minimize wind sail higher up in the building, where wind loads are higher.
3. Corners of the building are rounded which reduces drag.
4. Vented corner screen walls allow the building to be tuned to disorganize wind vortices. The screen wall also distinctively expresses this aspect of the wind engineering design.
5. The top of the tower is rounded to make it more aerodynamic.

Working together, these features of the architecture play a dramatic role in reducing the forces and accelerations seen by the building, which in turn reduce the amount of structure required and the cost of the building.


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-6 18:48:14 | 显示全部楼层
武汉绿地中心 中国武汉
Wuhan Greenland Centre Wuhan, China

Working with AS+GG, H+P developed a scheme for the 600m+ super-tall Wuhan Greenland Centre. The tower maximizes efficiency by adjusting form and structural system layout, taking into account the latest in wind engineering
technologies. As a result, the building’s form incorporates a triangle floor plate with corner mega-columns that maximize building stiffness, considering maximum wind sail loading. The tower also tapers to maximize stiffness at the base and to minimize wind sail higher up in the building, where wind loads are higher. Corners of the building are rounded to reduce drag, and vented corner screen walls allow the building to be tuned to disorganize wind vortices. The screen wall also distinctively expresses this aspect of the wind engineering design. Together, these features reduce the forces and accelerations seen by the building, which in turn reduce the amount of structure required and the cost of the building.

ARCHITECT: Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-6 18:48:18 | 显示全部楼层

PositivEnergy Practice LLC

Wuhan Greenland Center

Wuhan Greenland Center is a 600+ meter tall mixed-use tower featuring office, residential and hotel functions and including club and observation levels, lobbies, and mechanical floors.

Planned sustainable elements of the project include:

&#8226;Energy recovery using an enthalpy wheel integrated into the ventilation system; this captures energy from the building’s exhaust systems and uses it to pre-heat or pre-cool air
&#8226;A greywater recovery system, which takes waste water from the hotel laundry, sinks and showers and reuses it in the building’s evaporative cooling system.
&#8226;A high-efficiency lighting system, which uses low-energy-consuming ballasts and lamps to reduce required power consumption.
&#8226;A daylight-responsive control system, which automatically turns off electric lights when sufficient daylight is available.
&#8226;Water-conserving low-flow plumbing fixtures, which reduce the total amount of potable water required as well as the associated pumping energy.
&#8226;Energy recovery chiller for preheating of hotel domestic hot water.
&#8226;Condensor water economizaer for free cooling during winter months.
&#8226;Condensate collection system for use as cooling tower make up.
A uniquely streamlined form combines three key shaping concepts—a tapered body, softly rounded corners and a domed top—to reduce wind resistance and vortex action that affect supertall towers. The building’s extremely efficient aerodynamic performance will allow for reduced structural material (and associated embodied carbon) needed for construction. Apertures in the curtain wall at regular intervals will assist in venting wind pressure against the tower, and will also house air intake and exhaust systems on mechanical floors.


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-6 18:48:21 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-6 18:48:24 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-6 18:48:27 | 显示全部楼层



Wuhan Greenland Competition

Wuhan, China

Sited prominently along the Yangtze River, the Wuhan Greenland tower’s graceful, tapering form effectively unifies the office and residential uses within a gently curved volume and creates a unique presence on the city skyline. The cruciform geometry of the tower, derived from the plan of the upper floors of the Willis (formerly Sears) Tower, allow it to achieve the structural stability required for a building over 600 meters in height, and can be occupied efficiently and economically. Continuity of the vertical form is emphasized in the gently curved concave and convex surfaces which make up the main building elevations. The curves blur the boundaries between the various interior programs and culminate in a dynamic crown. The tower’s exterior is a silver high-performance glass curtain wall with aerodynamic vents that minimize wind pressure on the long elevations. These notches occur at mechanical and refuge floors and have been designed to allow for a significant reduction in steel required to support the tower. The open steelwork of the tower crown has a distinctive arched shape that ties the corners of the tower together both visually and structurally. This parabolic profile allows the building to be recognized not only within Wuhan, but throughout China.

Project Facts

Completion Year: 2010
Project Area: 644,480 m2
Building Height: 600 m



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